This installment of the High Upside Show is free for everyone. If you would receive an email like this every morning, as well as gain access to my investment journal then check out the premium newsletter today!
Every day a few of you reach out to me and ask who you should buy. Honestly, that question is loaded. They're so many variables that go into prospecting. When do you want to get your money back? What type of return are you looking for? For me, I like to mix it up, I always grab a few people that I think I can sell soon and then I go with a couple of home run picks... I wanted to fit both of those topics in today's show, but it would have been way too long, so I decided to split it up for your guys. In today's show, I talk about those quick flips. Here are 5 guys I'm buying right now, that I plan to make money on by the end of the season.
If you want to keep track of what I’m buying and when I’m selling then follow me on Twitter @HighUpsideShow also, check out the podcast, I need everyone’s support to help get it noticed!
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